Week 3: Addition of the GUI


The focus of this week was to create a functional GUI that would assist in navigating through our software product easily and efficiently. With the addition of a GUI to the software program, the development of our handwriting recognition product would be complete (excluding some more testing to be carried out in week 4). Furthermore, a few hours were spent completing the sustainable development and ethics assignment for this project.

Project Progression

After learning how to create a GUI on python last week, a simple GUI was developed for our handwriting recognition program.

Handwriting Recognition GUI Interface

The picture above shows the window that is displayed for our GUI and highlights the operations that it can perform: allow images to be chosen from users computer library, apply handwriting recognition algorithm to selected images, show accuracy of handwriting recognition on said images, and lastly exit out of the GUI interface. The following pictures below show the GUI interface in action on a selected image file:

Selecting image from folders

Selected image file opened

Handwriting Recognition applied to image  (with recognised characters displayed above the written characters in green)

Display of the accuracy of the recognised characters from the previous image

Besides the GUI, a start was made into the project poster and issues relating to the sustainable development and ethics of the product was explored (in the report assignment).

Plans for week 4

  • Do further tests with handwriting from different sources (/ people)
  • Complete the poster
  • Complete presentation for bench inspection of project


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